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Pending Edits to 2. Main Frame Assembly

Step #1 edited: [Step edited]

Edited by Jorick Bouw (1)

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[title] Parts List for Main Frame
[* 1] Printed Parts: MainFrame, FrontFrameInsert, RearFrameInsert, PololuGearA, PololuGearB, MainBar, MainServoGear
[* 1] Screws: 8x M3 x 10mm long, 2x M4 x 10mm long, 2x M4 x 20mm long.
[* 1] Square Nuts: M3 - Qty 19, M4 - Qty 4
+[* 1] 20.4:1 Metal Gearmotor 25Dx50L mm HP 12V - Qty 2
[* 1] 6805 Bearings - Qty 2
[* 1] Lead Shot
[* 1] 5 minute 2 part epoxy
[* 1] Paper Towels